Monday, January 7, 2013

Catching Up

With just one week until I take flight and make my way to the UK, it's been quite the...experience getting all my affairs in order. Making sure I have all the necessary documents ready, all my bills and bank accounts taken care of, and just generally my head firmly on my shoulders has been a lot to juggle. On top of that, I've been working on an updated portfolio of my strongest work. Basically, it's been the week for lists on lists on lists.

Trying to update my portfolio has been especially challenging. For obvious reasons, I'm trying to get that done before I leave next Monday. A week is honestly plenty of time to put together a sample portfolio, but it's been difficult for me to weed out what projects have been more successful than the others. Obviously, I'm proud of all the work I've done, but they sure don't say "kill your darlings" for nothin'.

After hours - literally - of thinking about this, I finally narrowed it down to about five projects that I'm SUPER confident showcase my skills without eliminating variety in my portfolio. Now the real challenge is to show those projects in a way that really sells me as a designer. That means, dun dun DUN, more editing...

Fitting my projects in one or two pages maximum has been, truthfully, a pain in the you-know-what. Giving enough context so the viewer understands the project without being a complete overload is a delicate balance I'm still trying to figure out. Hopefully, with a some perseverance and a little bit of luck, I'll get it all together and sent out to a few firms before my little Eurotrip. 

Until Next Time!

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